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Before we part ways, here is a pre-launch checklist and video tutorials to help you update your website as your brand grows.

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Pre-Launch Checklist

  1. Replace all placeholder text and images with your own.

  2. Check website copy for misspellings or grammatical errors.

  3. Check to see if any images are appearing fuzzy. If so, make sure it matches this criteria.

  4. Connect your social media accounts.

  5. Connect your Instagram feed (if applicable).

  6. Double-check all links.

  7. Double-check storage options for all forms.

  8. If you changed any page names or added new pages, update its URL slug.

  9. Ensure that all blog posts, products and events have thumbnail images.

  10. Publish your website.

 01 – Updating Your Content

This video tutorial walks you through how to update the text, images and pages on your new Squarespace website. By the end of this video tutorial, you will know how to remove, add or replace text and images and add new pages onto your website.

02 – Updating Your Shop

This video tutorial walks you through how to update the shop on your new Squarespace website. By the end of this video tutorial, you will know how to add new products to your shop that customers can purchase instantly.

03 – Updating Your Blog

This video tutorial walks you through how to update the blog on your new Squarespace website. By the end of this video tutorial, you will know how to create blog posts from start to finish.


 We’d love to hear from you.

Have any questions regarding updating your website? Email us at
