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Congratulations! You are minutes away from writing professional copy that converts, so you can begin marketing your products and services today


01 – Download your template.


The document includes exercises to formulate your keywords and fill-in-the-blank prompts for your website copy.

Please answer the questions in the exercise section, then fill in the blanks in the prompts section with the corresponding numbers.

Keep scrolling down this page for a step-by-step guide on how to use this document.


Exercise 1 – Collect your search keywords.

First and foremost, we want people to be able to find you on Google. In this section, we will pool together vital keywords that will improve your site’s visibility and attract more traffic to your website. Type in your answers to each question on the corresponding lines. Examples provided in grey.


Exercise 2 – Identify your audience’s pain points.

People resonate with copy that makes them feel understood. That is why it is important to address your audience’s pain points throughout your website copy. Type the top two concerns that your audience may have, in order of importance. Examples provided in grey.


Questions to consider:


What is keeping my audience from achieving their goals or desires?


What are some daily struggles that my audience may be experiencing?


What is a pet peeve that my audience may have?


What is keeping my audience from living a balanced life?


Exercise 3 – Define your CTA.

CTA – or call-to-action – is a specific action that you would like your audience to take. In other words, what do you want them to do after engaging with your website? Type your CTA here. Example provided in grey.


 02 – Fill in the blanks.

Now, it’s time to fill in your prompts.

Fill in the blanks in the prompt section with your answers from the corresponding numbers. Some of the input fields may have been filled in automatically according to your answers in the exercise section.

When you are finished, click the printer icon on the top right and choose Destination > Save as PDF.


 You’re done!

You should now have thoughtful and marketable website copy that improves your site’s credibility and conversion rate. While the prompt serves as a helpful guideline, we highly encourage you to customize the tone and style of the copy to fit your own brand.

Have any questions regarding the template? Email us at
